These were some of the first properties we bought. One of the four buildings (1846 W. Main) was vacant and boarded up at the time we purchased. It was deemed a “Dangerous building” by the city. We took it over, heavily upgraded it, and turned it back into nice rental options for our Montrose residents.
Then about 10 years ago we sold them. We don’t typically sell but it was time, and the funds were used to take on other projects
The person who bought them from us was planning on building 10 new townhomes in their place. Their plans fell through and they kept them as rentals. Since that was never their original goal, they decided to let them go. When we found out, we jumped on them. We didn’t need to tour of view or any of that (since we knew them well). In the end, our offer was selected and they’re back and part of family (as they should be 🙂

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